Samstag, 23. Juli 2011

Purple Hair - Make it Colourful

sorry, but today I write only in english  -  it's very late, I'm tired, but I am sooo glad I've finished my card now.  So I can still participate at the current Make it Colourful Challenge just before the end.

The theme of this challenge is:

Colouring Hair
Not in normal colours

For my card I've made a scene with two digi-stamps of Make it Crafty and took a digi-stamp of Emerald Fairies to the foreground.

I've coloured the whole image with copics and took a few accents with stickles.

I would be very glad if you like my card and if you leave a lovely comment - Thanks so much!


1 Kommentare:

Carole of Brum hat gesagt…

lovely scene and fantastic colouring, Ilona, I love your background, it's so magical with the fairies in it. Thanks for joining in the challenge, hope to see you again. CoB

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