Dienstag, 7. Februar 2012

Hint to a candy - Restart LHO-Challenge

Once upon the time, there was a blog with cards and other stuff. All at once there was nothing, no cards , no story about the dog, it was like the Sleeping Beauty. But I don't wanted to sleep hundred years, no no, I've needed only a longer break.
And now, exactly 4 months later: I am back :o)

 At first once I would like to show you a very yummy candy from Tracy:

it looks great, right?
You have the chance to win it - pop over to the blog from Creative Treasures.

And I have news.

3 Members of the LHO-Challenge design team have left the team. We (Sara and I) have formed a new team, but it isn't complete yet. We're searching to 2-3 members more and have made a dt-call at the LHO-Blog.

The date of the restart is February 19th - it will be challenge #37 and all of the team are happy to begin soon.
Of course I've made a few cards at the past, but I haven't show them until. OK, there was 4 Christmas-Cards and a Birthday-Card for my son - maybe I wanna show you the card for my son because I believe nobody want to see Christmas-Cards in February ;o)
Ok, this was my sign of life *hehe*
See you soon
hugs xx

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